Tosakanori Ginger Pickle


The sharp crunch of fresh ginger paired with the crispy texture of Tosakanori makes for an exquisite combination. Enjoy the delightful crunch and tangy flavor of this homemade ginger and seaweed pickle!


Ingredients (for 2 people):

  • Tosakanori (before desalting/reconstituting): 50g/15g
  • Fresh ginger: 150g
  • Sugar: 40g
  • Salt: 2g
  • Vinegar: 150cc
  • Water: 100cc
  • Kelp: A piece about 3cm square

How to:

  1. Salted Tosakanori seaweed should be rinsed twice with water to remove salt. After that, soaked in water for about 3 minutes to remove the excess salt.

  2. For Dried Tosakanori seaweed, soak it in water for 4 minutes to rehydrate.

  3. ※ When soaking in saltwater, make sure to thoroughly rinse off any debris or foreign objects that may have gotten inside. If there are any discolored parts, it's best to remove them.
  4.  Wash the ginger thoroughly to remove any dirt. You don't need to peel the ginger, but scrape off any brown or dirty spots with a spoon.
  5. Trim off any dry ends but keep the pink parts, as they add color to the pickle.
  6. Cut the ginger into manageable lengths and slice thinly, using a slicer if necessary.
  7. While the ginger cools, prepare the pickling brine. Add the kelp to the water and bring to a gentle boil over low heat. Just before boiling, remove the kelp and add the sugar and salt, stirring until dissolved.
  8. [Pickled soup] Pour the vinegar into a clean jar. Add the hot pickling brine and mix well. Taste and adjust the sweetness if needed.
  9. Lightly squeeze the blanched ginger slices to remove excess moisture. While the pickling brine is still warm, add the ginger slices (including the pink parts) to the jar.
  10. Once the mixture has cooled, add the prepared Tosakanori and mix well.


  • This pickled ginger and Tosakanori combination can be used as a side dish, a topping for salads, or even as an accompaniment to sushi.
  • Store the pickle in the refrigerator, where it will keep for several weeks, allowing you to enjoy its crunchy texture and tangy flavor.

Here are the items used in the recipe

Dried Tosakanori Seaweed


Dried Tosakanori Seaweed
