Gifts for loved ones ~ Sea Vegetable Original Gift Box-

~ Sea Vegetable Premium Gift Set ~

"Seaweed is delicious. Seaweed is fascinating."

This is what we feel as we engage with seaweed every day. Whether it's for a friend who loves gourmet food, someone you haven't seen in a while, or a heartfelt gift of gratitude. We hope to spread the excitement of seaweed to many people. We deliver an original gift filled with our passion and dedication.

Filled with Careful Design

Our seaweed illustrations, embossed with foil, adorn our original boxes, which are filled with our recommended products of the moment. From the moment the gift arrives to the moment the box is opened, it offers an enjoyable experience.

The wrapping paper features seaweed illustrations drawn by a former designer, now a mother who balances her own child-rearing with nurturing baby seaweeds at the Sea Vegetable lab (research and seedling production). The packaging showcases five charmingly illustrated seaweeds: Sujiaonori, Habanori, Tosakanori, Aosa, and Hijiki, gracefully swimming across the paper.

About the Noshi

In Japan, there are many elaborate ways to wrap and decorate gifts. The most common decoration is noshi, which are used in different ways depending on the occasion. Noshi is an abbreviation of "noshi abalone," and is considered valuable as a symbol of longevity.

You can select the Noshi text according to your application from the following.

[Text List] 

  • None 
  • 御祝 Oiwai: Celebration
  • 御中元 Ochugen: Summer Gift
  • 御歳暮 Oseibo: End of year Gift
  • 御礼 Orei : Gratitude / Thank you

    ※The description cannot be printed in English