Mirin Yam Rice


Experience the juicy sweetness of mirin and the smooth texture of yam melding together to create a delightful new rice accompaniment.


Indregient:(Serves 2)

  • Salted/Dried mirin (before salt removal/soaking): 100g/15g
  • Yam  Half size
  • Cooked rice
  • A dash of Soy sauce
  • (Optional) Dried Suji-Aonori Seaweed


  1. [For salted mirin] Rinse the mirin twice in a bowl, changing the water each time. Soak it in fresh water for 9-10 minutes to desalt.Drain the mirin in a colander, then pat it dry with paper towels.
  2. [For dried mirin] Soak the mirin in a bowl full of water for 6-8 minutes.Drain the mirin in a colander, then pat it dry with paper towels.
  3. Grate the yam until smooth and sticky.
  4. Mix the grated yam with the mirin thoroughly.
  5. Spread the mirin-yam mixture over the cooked rice and drizzle with soy sauce to taste.


For an extra burst of flavor, sprinkle Sea Vegetable's "Dried Suji-Aonori" over the dish. Give it a try and elevate your meal!

Here are the items used in the recipe

Dried Mirin Seaweed


Dried Mirin Seaweed
