Suji-Aonori with squid chili con carne


[Suji-Aonori x  Squid chili con carne] Indulge in the spicy chili con carne paired with Suji-Aonori Seaweed!


Ingredients (for 2-3 people):

  • Dried Aonori seaweed: As much as you like
  • Your favorite squid (the picture shows white squid): 1 (about 100g-150g after cleaning)
  • Garlic: 3-5g
  • Ginger: 3g
  • Onion: 1/2 (120g)
  • Olive oil: 3 tablespoons
  • Chili powder: 2 teaspoons
  • Cumin powder: 1/2 teaspoon
  • Mixed beans: 1 can (250g)
  • Soy sauce: 1 teaspoon
  • Ketchup: 2 tablespoons
  • Canned whole tomatoes: 1 can (400g)
  • Water: 300ml
  • Salt: 1 teaspoon
  • Bay leaf (optional, recommended!)
  • Salt and pepper (extra): To taste

How to:

  1. [Preparing the Squid] Place your thumb and forefinger into the squid's body and slowly remove the internal organs and cartilage. Cut below the eyes to separate the tentacles from the internal organs.
  2. Push out the squid's beak from the inside of the tentacles. Wash the body and tentacles under running water, then pat dry with a paper towel
  3. Slide your fingers between the body and the fin to remove the skin. Use a paper towel to help peel off the skin from the fin.
  4. [Preparation] Cut the cleaned and dried squid into bite-sized pieces (about 2cm wide). Roughly chop the onion, ginger, and garlic.
  5. In a deep pot, heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil and lightly sauté the squid with a sprinkle of salt until the surface turns white. After heated, transfer it to another bowl. 
  6. Add the remaining 2 tablespoons of olive oil to the pot and sauté the ginger and garlic over low heat. Add the onions with a pinch of salt and cook for 5 minutes.
  7. Sprinkle in the chili powder and cumin powder, mix well, then turn the heat to medium and sauté lightly. Drain the mixed beans and add them to the pot.
  8. Add the ketchup and soy sauce, mix lightly, then add the canned tomatoes. Fill the tomato can with the measured water and add it to the pot.
  9. Roughly crush the tomatoes with a wooden spatula. Mix well from the bottom of the pot, add the measured salt, and bring to a boil over high heat.
  10. Once boiled, lower the heat and skim off any foam. Add the bay leaf if desired, and simmer over low heat for 20-25 minutes. Add the sautéed squid back in.
  11. Adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper (you can add more spices here too). Serve while it's hot, and top with Suji- Aonori seaweed as much as you like.

Here are the items used in the recipe

Dried Suji-Aonori


Dried Suji-Aonori
