Suji-Aonori with Mayonnaise Egg Toast


Here's an enhanced version of the new classic "Suji-Aonori Seaweed Toast" with Mayonnaise eggs!



  • Suji Aonori ...Plenty of your favorite amount
  • Bread (4 photos are cut)...1 sheet
  • Hard -boiled egg (about 2mm square of white)...2 pieces
  • Cucumber (about 2mm square)...1/2
  • Mayonnaise... 30g
  • Favorite vinegar...1 teaspoon
  • Salt...Appropriate amount
  • Black pepper ... as much you like
  • Mustard ... as much you like

How to:

  1. Boil the eggs in water for 10-11 minutes, starting with medium heat. Once boiling, reduce to low heat and immediately transfer the eggs to ice water to cool. Peel the eggs.
  2. Once the egg whites and cucumber are diced, mix all the ingredients thoroughly. (The yolks can crumble while mixing, so it's fine to add them as is.)
  3. Toast both sides of the bread. (If you prefer untoasted bread, you can use it as is, but it's recommended to toast for a more fragrant taste!)
  4. Adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper after tasting the mixture. If you're spreading mustard on the bread, do so on one side before spreading your desired amount of "egg mayo" on top.
  5. Finally, sprinkle your desired amount of wakame seaweed over the top while gently crumbling it by hand. Your dish is now complete!

By sprinkling Dried Suji-Aonori seaweed on top without mixing it with the eggs initially, you can enjoy a beautiful color contrast and enhance the presence of the seaweed even more!

Here are the items used in the recipe

Dried Suji-Aonori


Dried Suji-Aonori
