Sakura Hijiki with Rapini Turnips


With a fresh rapini, crunchy turnip and aromantic sakura hijiki, this dish is the perfect representation of uplifting spring season!



  • Young Hijiki Sakura (before desalting/reconstituting) - 50g / 5g
  • Turnip (sliced into 1-2mm thick half-moon shapes) - 200g
  • Rapini (boiled and cut into 2cm pieces) - 130g
  • Salt - to taste
  • Sesame oil - 2 tsp
  • Ponzu - 1 tbsp
  • White sesame seeds - to taste

How to:

  1. Rinse the young hijiki a couple of times, then soak in water for about 5 minutes to desalt it after rinsing off the salt. For Dried Hijiki, soak it in water for 6 minutes.

  2. Separate the rapini stems and leaves. Boil water with enough salt so that it doesn't taste too salty when you drink it. Boil the stems for 40 seconds and the leaves for 20 seconds.
  3. Drop the rapini into ice water to cool, then lightly squeeze out excess water and cut into 2cm pieces. Wash the turnip, peel it thickly, and slice it as thinly as possible.
  4. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl or large container. Note: Rapini can change color over time, so mixing it just before serving is important to keep the vibrant green color.

If you want to substitute rapini with other vegetable, broccoli will be a perfect match too.

For an extra touch of spring flavor, use sakura salt (made from the sakura petals before desalting) instead of regular salt.

Here are the items used in the recipe

Dried Young Hijiki Seaweed


Dried Young Hijiki Seaweed
