Suji-Aonori Mayo Cold Tofu


[Suji-Aonori × Mayonnaise]
An unexpected combination with Suji-Aonori and Mayonnaise! Give it a try when you're looking for an extra dish for the table.



  • 3 tablespoons of Suji-aonori
  • 1 block of tofu (silk or momen)
  • 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil

How to:

  1. Lightly shred the "Dried suji-aonori" from Sea Vegetable by hand.
  2. Mix it with mayonnaise and olive oil.
  3. Serve the mixture on top of tofu cut into bite-sized pieces.

Here are the items used in the recipe

Dried Suji-Aonori


Dried Suji-Aonori
