Habanori and Suji-Aonori Rice Bowl


Indulge in the luxurious combination of "Habanori" seaweed and scrambled eggs with this double treat seafood bowl! 



  • Dried "Habanori" seaweed, to taste
  • Dried "Suji-Aonori" seaweed, to taste
  • 1 egg
  • Sesame oil (for cooking and finishing)
  • Soy sauce
  • Cooked rice 

How to:

    1. Lightly toast the "Habanori" seaweed to bring out its vibrant green color. (You can do this in a toaster at 200 degrees for about 20 seconds or in a dry frying pan.)
    2. Heat a frying pan over medium heat, add a small amount of sesame oil, then crack the egg into the pan. Stir gently with a spatula to scramble the egg. Adjust cooking time according to your desired consistency.
    3. Once the rice is hot, place it in a bowl, top it with the scrambled egg from step 2, and then sprinkle the dried "Habanori" and "Suji-Aonori" seaweed to taste. Finally, drizzle with finishing sesame oil and soy sauce, then enjoy!
    4. * If you prefer the crispy texture of seaweed, drizzle sesame oil and soy sauce directly onto the eggs. Since seaweed already has a salty flavor, adjust the amount of soy sauce to your liking.

    Here are the items used in the recipe

    Dried Suji-Aonori


    Dried Suji-Aonori
